
    Why Do Digital Currencies Need Blockchain

    Curious about blockchain and digital currencies? Wondering why they go hand in hand? In this article, we will explore the connection between digital currencies and blockchain technology. From decentralisation to security, transparency to efficiency, we will delve into why digital currencies rely on blockchain for their operation. We will also discuss how blockchain works for digital currencies, the different types of blockchain used, and the challenges faced in implementing this technology. Stay tuned to learn more about the exciting world of blockchain and digital currencies.


    What Is Blockchain?

    Blockchain is a decentralised digital ledger technology that securely records transactions across multiple computers.

    Through a network of interconnected nodes, blockchain operates without the need for a central authority, making it resistant to fraud and alteration. Each transaction is verified by the network participants, ensuring transparency and reliability. The use of blockchain is popular in managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, allowing for secure peer-to-peer transactions. One of the key advantages of blockchain technology is its immutability; once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered, providing a high level of security and trust.

    What Are Digital Currencies?

    Digital currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies, are virtual or digital forms of currency that leverage cryptographic technology for secure transactions.

    Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralised networks based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security through encryption techniques. The most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Ethereum, another prominent digital currency, introduced smart contract functionality, allowing for automated transactions. One of the key advantages of digital currencies is the near-instantaneous transaction times, enabling global transfers without the need for intermediaries or banks.

    Why Do Digital Currencies Need Blockchain?

    Digital currencies require blockchain technology to ensure decentralisation, security, transparency, immutability, and efficient transaction processes.

    Blockchain technology, the underlying innovation behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, offers a secure and transparent network where transactions are recorded in a decentralised manner.

    One of the key advantages of blockchain is its resistance to modification, making it highly secure against fraudulent activities.

    Entities such as China have been exploring the use of blockchain in various sectors, including the development of their own Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).


    Decentralisation is a key feature of cryptocurrencies, enabled by blockchain technology that eliminates the need for central authorities in transaction verification.

    This decentralisation allows for peer-to-peer transactions to occur directly between parties, cutting out intermediaries and reducing transaction costs. The blockchain, as a distributed ledger, ensures that all transactions are recorded securely and transparently, enhancing privacy while maintaining transparency. Without a central point of control, digital currencies become less susceptible to censorship and government interference.


    Security is paramount in digital currencies, with blockchain employing cryptographic algorithms to safeguard transactions against unauthorised access or tampering.

    Blockchain’s encryption methods play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of transactions within digital currencies. By using advanced cryptographic algorithms, blockchain technology creates a decentralised and immutable ledger that enhances the security of transactions.

    Entities like Tether, a stablecoin, have highlighted the significance of security in digital currency ecosystems. The infamous market crash incidents have further underscored the importance of robust security measures to prevent fraud and protect investors’ assets.


    Transparency is inherent in blockchain-based digital currencies, as every transaction is recorded on a distributed network of nodes that validate and store data.

    This transparency is crucial for building trust among users, as they can track the entire transaction history back to the genesis block. The decentralised nature of blockchain ensures that no single entity has control over the system, reducing the risk of manipulation or fraud.

    Nodes, or computers participating in the network, verify transactions and maintain a public ledger that is immutable and accessible to anyone. This open ledger system has garnered interest from traditional financial institutions and central banks like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Riksbank, as it offers enhanced security and efficiency.


    Immutability is a key characteristic of blockchain technology, making transactions irreversible once recorded on the distributed ledger.

    Therefore, once a transaction is verified and added to the blockchain, it becomes a permanent part of the record. This feature ensures the integrity and security of the data, as it prevents unauthorised alterations to the information stored within the digital currencies ecosystem.

    For instance, in the case of the digital yuan, the immutability of blockchain technology plays a crucial role in maintaining the transparency and trustworthiness of financial transactions conducted using this digital currency. This permanence also enhances accountability and reduces the risk of fraud by providing a tamper-proof system for recording and verifying transactions.


    Efficiency is a notable advantage of blockchain-based digital currencies, offering fast transaction times compared to traditional banking systems.

    This increased speed is especially critical in the fast-paced world of finance, where every second counts. The use of blockchain technology facilitates near-instantaneous transfers of digital currencies, enabling individuals and businesses to conduct transactions swiftly and securely. Entities such as Britcoin, the potential digital currency of the UK, are exploring the implementation of blockchain to enhance efficiency in financial operations. Central banks like the Bank of Canada are also studying the benefits of blockchain for improving the speed and reducing the costs associated with cross-border transactions.

    How Does Blockchain Work For Digital Currencies?

    Blockchain functions for digital currencies by creating secure and transparent transaction records through a decentralised network of nodes.

    Transactions on the blockchain are verified through a process called mining, where computers in the network compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles to add new transactions to the ledger. Once a block of transactions is verified, it is encrypted and linked to the previous block, forming a chain. This process, known as proof-of-work, ensures the integrity of the transaction history and prevents fraud or tampering.

    Creation of Cryptocurrencies

    Cryptocurrencies are generated through blockchain protocols that use cryptographic algorithms to secure transactions and issue new digital currency units.

    This process involves a decentralised network of computers, known as miners, who validate and record transactions into blocks through complex cryptographic puzzles. These blocks are then linked together to form a chain, creating a secure and transparent ledger. The cryptographic algorithms play a vital role in ensuring the integrity and security of the transactions by encrypting sensitive data. As transactions are verified and added to the blockchain, new coins are minted through a process called mining. Popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have gained widespread acceptance globally.

    Transactions and Verification

    Transactions in digital currencies are verified through blockchain’s consensus mechanisms, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of each transaction record.

    One of the key consensus algorithms used in blockchain is Proof of Work (PoW), which requires participants, known as miners, to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and add them to the digital ledger. Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, relies on PoW for transaction verification, where miners compete to be the first to solve the puzzle and earn rewards.

    Another significant model is Proof of Stake (PoS), where validators are chosen based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold, like in the proposed Swedish digital currency, e-krona. This method ensures transaction verification is secure and energy-efficient.

    Mining and Consensus

    Mining and achieving consensus are integral parts of blockchain operations, with proof-of-work algorithms used to validate transactions and create new blocks.

    Miners play a crucial role in this process by solving complex mathematical puzzles, ensuring the security and immutability of the blockchain by adding verified transactions into blocks. These miners compete to be the first to find the correct solution and are rewarded with newly generated cryptocurrency.

    The decentralised nature of blockchain ensures that no single entity has control over the network, with various nodes participating in verifying and validating transactions for consensus to be achieved. By incentivising miners and distributing power across the network, blockchain maintains its transparency and security.

    What Are The Different Types Of Blockchain Used For Digital Currencies?

    Various types of blockchains such as public, private, consortium, and hybrid are utilised in digital currencies to cater to different security and accessibility needs.

    Public blockchains are known for their open and transparent nature, allowing anyone to participate in the network and validate transactions. These are often used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, where decentralisation is a key focus.

    On the other hand, private blockchains offer more control over access and permissions, making them suitable for enterprises looking for internal use cases.

    Consortium blockchains involve multiple organisations sharing authority over the network and are common in industries like supply chain management.

    Hybrid blockchains combine elements of both public and private blockchains, providing a balance between transparency and control.

    Public Blockchain

    Public blockchains offer open access to all participants, enabling decentralised transactions and fostering transparency in digital currency operations.

    This transparent and open system allows users to see all transactions added to the blockchain, creating a public ledger that is constantly updating. By removing the need for a central authority to validate transactions, public blockchains rely on a network of nodes spread across the globe. These nodes work together to reach a consensus on the validity of transactions, ensuring security and immutability within the system. As a result, public blockchains provide a level of trust and accountability that is unparalleled in traditional financial systems.

    Private Blockchain

    Private blockchains restrict access to authorised entities, ensuring controlled transactions and maintaining privacy in digital currency exchanges.

    These types of blockchains have a permissioned structure where only approved participants can validate transactions and access the ledger. This selective approach enhances security by reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and unauthorised alterations. Private blockchains offer advantages for confidential transactions by providing a more secure platform for sensitive financial data exchange. Due to the restricted access, the network participants can transact with confidence that their information is protected against unauthorised viewing. This feature makes private blockchains particularly appealing to industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management, where data confidentiality is of utmost importance.

    Consortium Blockchain

    Consortium blockchains involve multiple organisations collaborating to verify transactions, fostering trust and efficiency in digital currency networks.

    These networks are designed to address the need for collective decision-making and governance among diverse entities, offering a more equitable and transparent system compared to centralised structures. By incorporating a shared ledger, consortium blockchains ensure that all participants have a synchronised view of the transactions, enhancing the security and immutability of the network. Through this collaborative effort, member organisations contribute their expertise and computational resources to validate transactions, maintain consensus, and uphold the integrity of the blockchain. This distributed approach not only enhances the scalability and performance of the network but also promotes interoperability and compliance within the digital currency ecosystem.

    Hybrid Blockchain

    Hybrid blockchains combine elements of public and private blockchains, offering a balance between transparency and control for digital currency operations.

    This innovative approach allows for the customisation of access levels, ensuring sensitive transaction details are kept secure whilst still benefitting from the decentralised nature of public blockchains. By leveraging the strengths of both types, hybrid blockchains enable a wide range of organizations to adopt blockchain technology, catering to various transaction needs without compromising on security or efficiency. The flexibility inherent in this model makes it ideal for applications requiring a mix of public verifiability and private transaction confidentiality, fostering trust among participants whilst maintaining data integrity.

    What Are The Challenges Of Using Blockchain For Digital Currencies?

    Despite its benefits, blockchain poses challenges for digital currencies such as scalability issues, regulatory concerns, and adoption barriers.

    One of the primary obstacles faced by digital currencies utilising blockchain technology is scalability. The current blockchain systems often struggle with handling a high volume of transactions simultaneously, leading to delays and high fees. These limitations hinder the potential for widespread use and mass adoption.

    Regulatory complexities add another layer of challenge. Governments, including those of countries like Canada, are still grappling with how to regulate digital currencies effectively, which creates uncertainty and compliance issues for businesses and users alike.


    Scalability remains a major challenge for blockchain in digital currencies, particularly when addressing the need for fast transaction processing times as the network grows.

    As the number of transactions taking place on the blockchain increases, the network faces significant hurdles in maintaining the speed and capacity required to process these transactions efficiently. The decentralised nature of blockchain, while offering security and transparency, also brings inherent limitations in terms of transaction speeds and volumes that can be handled. This bottleneck often leads to delays and increased transaction costs, impacting the overall user experience and hindering mainstream adoption.


    Regulatory frameworks pose challenges for implementing blockchain in digital currencies, especially in the context of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and cross-border transactions.

    Ensuring compliance with varying regulations across different regions can be a daunting task for blockchain technology in the realm of digital currencies. Particularly, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have unique regulatory requirements that often differ from traditional cryptocurrencies.

    For example, entities like China, with its strict stance on digital currencies, set stringent guidelines that blockchain projects must adhere to. Similarly, the recent introduction of ‘Britcoin’ by the UK highlights the need for standardized regulations to streamline the integration of blockchain into the financial ecosystem on a global scale.

    User Adoption

    User adoption represents a key challenge for blockchain in digital currencies, as individuals weigh the advantages and disadvantages of embracing new financial technologies.

    One of the major obstacles hindering the widespread acceptance of blockchain in digital currencies is the lack of awareness among users about its potential benefits. Many people are apprehensive about the security and transparency of blockchain-based transactions, especially given the prevalence of cyber threats and hacking incidents. It is essential to educate users about the advantages of blockchain technology, such as decentralisation, immutability, and lower transaction costs, to help them make informed decisions. Concerns about regulatory uncertainties and unstable market conditions, as highlighted by the European Central Bank (ECB) and some countries like Sweden, contribute to user hesitancy in adopting blockchain for digital transactions.

    Dale Goldie
    Dale Goldie
    Dale is an experienced crypto enthusiast and blockchain expert. He simplifies crypto concepts for all, sharing insights on market trends and blockchain technology.

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